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« Stormy Summers' Home of Spuffy »

Welcome to my collection of fanfiction! I write Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic, and my OTP is Spuffy. There may also be a smattering of Veronica Mars fanfic along the line (I heart LoVe). I can't imagine how you've found this, as I've not put this link anywhere. But, since you've found it, you're welcome to read.

Most of the stories on this site are WIP. This site's primary reason for existing is to give me a place to store my work before I'm ready to put it on a fanfic archive. As such, the stories are unbetaed.


Simple Solution (PG-13) Conversation between Spike and Joyce while Spike is still evil ^_^

Wrong (PG-13) Buffy acknowledges Spike's accusation

Short Stories

Peaches (PG-13) (Complete!) Dawn learns why Spike calls Angel "Peaches", while Buffy realizes something about Spike. Slightly AU mid-season five. No real spoilers.

Chaptered Fiction

17th Century Slayer (eventual NC-17) (Working Title) (WIP) Betrayed by those she trusted, Elizabeth Summers was turned in the 17th century. Aided by higher powers, she hid her presence from the Council of Watchers until forced to fight to save the world again. Now she must contend with not only her vampiric nature, but also with Council members, the current Slayer, and an impending apocalypse. Things are bad enough, but throw in the self-proclaimed Slayer of Slayers, who wants nothing more than to defeat the greatest challenge he can find, and things really start to heat up. Slight Season 1 Spoilers.

Avenging Demon (NC-17) (WIP) Determined to avenge the death of his beloved, Spike must convince Buffy to help him save the world again, but he finds her a broken shadow of her former self. Spoilers through "Dead Man's Party." Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Temporary Spike/Other

Choices (eventual NC-17) (Working Title) (WIP) (First Chap coming soon)

Mortal Wounds (eventual NC-17) (WIP) (First Chap coming soon)

Feel free to visit my LJ at

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.